Supported Businesses

Company #1 Povše AB, k.d.
Country Slovenia
Sector Tourism
Activity Providing high-quality and innovative children's sports and therapeutic programs
Website and
Established May, 2013
Size Microenterprise
Work of 2inno Coach
Borut Likar

Coaching within a company referred to the concrete idea. Knowledge was mainly from the fields, how to enter on Slovenian market, how to design their programs, how to cooperate with external experts and institutions, which also perform and offer sports and therapeutic programs.

Company #2 Strojegradnja, Marjaž Brglez s.p.
Country Slovenia
Sector Mechatronics
Activity The company is engaged in the construction of machines for the metal profession and making small serial products for the automotive industry
Established May, 1996
Size Microenterprise
Work of 2inno Coach
Erika Drobnič

The knowledge they needed  was mainly in distribution and marketing and protecting their innovations.

Company #3 Energetik, Silvano Bizjak s.p.
Country Slovenia
Sector Mechatronics
Activity Installation of heating and cooling water systems including circulation, heat pump, solar panels, engine and boiler rooms and purification systems.
Website /
Established April, 2009
Size Microenterprise
Work of 2inno Coach
Silvestra Darja Gačnik

To company is given support throught 2inno methods in the idea in stage of invention, which is financially and technically challenging for company. Coaching is based on further development of invention and also business cooperation.

Company #4 Case Study 4
Country Slovenia
Sector Mechatronics
Activity /
Website /
Established January, 1987
Size Medium Enterprise
Work of 2inno Coach
Klemen Širok

Coaching on Needs analysis tools supporting innovation, Opportunity Identification and Techniques of idea creation & idea selection.

Company #5 Case Study 5
Country Slovenia
Sector ICT
Activity /
Website /
Established February, 2005
Size Microenterprise
Work of 2inno Coach
Urška Mrgole

Coaching on R&D, know-how, open innovation and IPR, Financial planning and funding opportunities and Integration of IM in the Business Strategy.